Willy The Fog... MIX of the following themes: Marketing & Advertising, Trips, Business and Literature.
viernes, enero 29, 2010
Donando en Wikipedia
jueves, enero 28, 2010
1. Interesting concept; about creating “free” energy trough the steps that people take on the streets: Click here (Pavegen)
2. Living in billboards…why not?? (Billboardom)
3. The KOR ONE: Changing the way people drink water (KOR ONE)
4. Gracias a la huella digital puedo comentar sobre el Ipad, y es que esta por todas partes de la blogosfera; eso si, con cierto olor a escepticismo. Tb podreís ver el video oficial de Apple; a mí me a gustado mucho…
miércoles, enero 27, 2010
Kasparov and Bertrand Russell

Russell suggests that the rational thinking is still underestimated by many. The root cause for this underestimation comes, basically, from the fact that many people still believe that there is “something” inherent to the emotional thinking that we value more and hence, regardless of how strong our rational thinking might be, we will value far more our emotions. This statement is not taken as extreme as I am putting it, but still, is the basis for some of the unhappiness caused by our decisions, especially those where we do not refrain our impulse (feelings).
Kasparov, in his article about chess and computers says that we, as humans, have failed (yet) to develop a computer that can think as humans, basically because deep blue beat him at chess (and even 90% of the current chess games that you will install in your computer will defeat many grand masters) using brute force…using the capacity of analysing billions of combinations and assigning a value to the piece based on its position and potential threat in the game.
The whole point of the discussion remains. Aren’t we underestimating the value of rational thinking? Could a computer have a more happy life than an intelligent man?
Based on brute force, by storing billions of decision outcomes throughout the human life (in history, love, politics, business and even in diet??). Then you will only need your feelings to enjoy the ride (the computer will even take decisions that will create certain “unhappiness” so you, as a stupid human being, will not get used to happiness too quickly and also to help you value the good decisions)