domingo, septiembre 16, 2007

Pincha en el link. Anuncio - mono - Chocolate

Este anuncio me ha gustadi mucho, el problema es que al final no me he acordado de la marca! menuda cagada, pero el anuncio me ha encantado. click aqui

Via: Llamame lola: el mejor site de videos en internet

jueves, septiembre 06, 2007

Acceder a Pandora fuera de US

Lo he encontrado en un blog; La verdad es que es una pena que hayan prohibido el servicio de esta radio (la mejor que conozco) fuera de US. Quizas algun despistado que pase por aqui conoce los detalles de esta prohibicion...que no juzgare de momento porque la desconozco, pero que conceptualmente refleja los atrasos de la sociedad en la que vivimos. En fin, ¿qué podemos hacer?

Pues entrar con un proxy diferente :-)

Copio la entrada de Este blog

I’m not an avid Pandora user. Personally, I like Last.FM better. But it angers me when I see that such a great service will now be unavailable for users outside of the US. TechCrunch has the details, as well as a facsimile of the letter sent to Pandora’s international users.

Of course, I don’t blame Pandora for this: they’re just complying with the US (and international) laws and regulations.

I blame the laws and regulations.

In any case, this is the Internet, and it’s easy to be a hacker nowadays, so here’s a couple of services you can use to access Pandora from wherever you are (btw, Pandora still works for me although I’m from Croatia; I guess they haven’t covered all the IP ranges just yet):

1. Firefox + anonymous proxy - in Firefox, open Tools - Options - Advanced - Network - Settings. There you have the proxy options. Go to one of these sites:

Find some proxies there, enter their details into the proxy options in Firefox. Don’t worry if the first couple of proxies don’t work; it’s a trial and error process.

2. Public CGI Proxies - the easiest method. Randomly chooses a public proxy server; all you have to do is enter the address and enjoy the melodies.

3. Tor and Privoxy - these two are frequently used together to surf anonymously. Might be a bit complicated for beginners.

4. Metropipe - a set of commercial and free tools for anonymous surfing, including a free Firefox toolbar. Starts at $8.33.

5. Proxify - just enter, uncheck remove all scripts, and you’re good to go. Well, in theory; it didn’t work for me; might be just a temporary glitch.

6. The Cloak - same as Proxify, enter the address and surf anonymously right away. And, just like Proxify, it doesn’t work. Again, maybe it starts working somewhere in the future; you never know with services like this.

7. Cotse - another commercial service, starts at $5.95. Covers much more than just anonymous surfing, though.

8. Anonymizer - another commercial anonymizing package, a bit more expensive.

This should be enough for most users. Enjoy Pandora, wherever you are (;.