sábado, octubre 07, 2006


Ok, I think that in another moment I posted a comment about one of my favorite blogs….desconecta2 it is great, with such funny Posts as the following (witch I just Ctr+C / V it). Carlitos please forgive for coping it…(at least is "quoted" and your link is here!!!):


Aprender inglés nunca fue fácil

1 - Modulo básico En español: Tres brujas miran tres relojes Swatch. Que bruja mira que reloj?

En ingles: Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?

2 - Modulo avanzado En español: Tres brujas "travestis" miran los botones de tres relojes Swatch. Que bruja travesti mira los botones de que reloj Swatch?

En ingles: Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?

3 - ...y este ya es para masters En español: Tres brujas suecas transexuales miran los botones de tres relojes "Swatch" suizos. Que bruja sueca transexual mira a que botón de que reloj "Swatch" suizo?

En ingles: Three Swedisch switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedisch switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?"

PD: What about my proposal of contributing to your blog MTF?

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